

The African Billiards & Snooker Confederation signed a sponsorship contract with AW Hainsworth where the match cloth is now the official cloth to all tournaments organised by the ABSC. On this occasion, the ABSC is offering a 20% discount for three months for orders by federations or club owners.


Invitation for the African Billiards & Snooker Confederation electoral Annual General Meeting has been sent to all member countries in good financial standings. Date of the AGM is set on 18th August 2024


South Africa applied to host the "All Africa Snooker & 6 red" to be played in Johannesburg. To download the invitation file, please click here

For tournament details click here


Mr. Amine Bladi resigns from the ABSC President position. Mr. Saleem Moosa (ABSC Vice President) becomes acting president as of the same date.